Sunday, December 5, 2010

What a Second life that is! Haifa Beseisso

In second life, I would be an ambassador of the UNICEF, ambassador of what exactly? I’ll tell you, I want to travel the Arab world and look for talents, I want to look for the amazingly skilled football players that are playing in between cars in their hood, look for the smart scientists and inventors in which only the walls of their room know about. I want to travel the world and influence a lot of people. This person is a very busy busy person and is constantly meeting different people from all over the globe, yet this person has a beautiful house in the village; it is modern and surrounded by horses and a farm. In this house is a big library and a gym, and is environmental friendly.

This person is a famous Abaya designer; she donates the Abayas that she makes to different girls all over the globe. Also, in this second life, I am an athlete, I constantly climb mountains, and go camping, I have a plane that takes me wherever I want to go.

Also, this person holds a party every Friday that brings together family members and friends, sometimes a barbecue party, another time it is a reading party, a sports party, movie party, and other times a party party.

When people talk about second life they often to associate it with negative terms and ideas, however I think that second life is not as bad as they think; look at us we all shared our dreams, got creative, and dug into our imagination when only asked to imagine the character that we would want to be in second life. Second life gives people the chance to visualize their dreams, and live them even if throughout a screen. Thinking about your dreams and seeing them helps you reach them in real life, so second life can be thought of as training center for real life.

I disagree with the video that we watched in class; the one in which people were so bound and could not do anything or move freely; this is the exact opposite of second life;, in second life you can fly if you want to, you can crawl or do whatever it is that you want to do. And a prove of how second life can be successful are the examples that were presented in the article; were it included a number of people that became rich and practiced what they are good at after engaging in second life.

1 comment:

  1. Yes Hifo, you are right, but this is not the reality! people get engaged in second life to waist their times and become nothing! you are very special, it is clear from your wonderful avatar, so everything you do is positive and leads to positive consequences. However, not everyone is like you. There are people who just lay back and dream, and if they have their dreams come a little tangable, then they are satisfied, and they stop doing anything to make their lives better!! thats my opinion!
